Process Cooling
Air Compressor cooling

Adiabatic Cooler for Heavy Duty Air Compressor
Closed loop water-based system using adiabatic coolers is the effective, efficient and sustainable cooling solution.
In industrial plants, compressed air is widely used, both for pneumatic drives and for control instrumentation.
Compressed air is “produced” by compressors that can have very different sizes and dimensions, ranging from a simple compressor for the workshop to very powerful and complex compressor stations.
In any case, these machines require a dedicated cooling system, which on smaller machines is installed directly on board the compressor, while on larger systems this is a dedicated system, which supplies cooled water, which is then circulated in the compressors themselves.
The level of cold required by the air compressors is never too high, in fact the temperatures required for the cooling water are usually around +30 / + 40 ° C.
This type of cooling can therefore be carried out with the use of:
- Dry cooler
- Adibatic Fluid Cooler
- Evaporative towers
- Closed circuit evaporative coolers
The choice of one system or another is linked to some key factors:
- presence on board the compressor of heat exchangers
- climatic conditions of the installation area
It should be remembered that although the compressors do not require cooling water at very low temperatures, they reach high temperatures in the “hot areas”.
The high wall temperatures cause a precipitation of carbonates, which using untreated water or with presence of scaling, causes a sudden clogging of the water circulation chambers.
With ambient temperatures that allow its use, it is certainly recommended to install dry-coolers or even better Adiabatic fluid coolers, in order to have a closed circuit without water contamination.
Main Opportunities:
- Dry coolers
- Adiabatic Fluid Coolers
- Pumping stations
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